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3 Tips for Playing The Mage Tower Challenge in World of Warcraft for the First Time

Source: pcgamesn.com

The Mage Tower Challenge is WoW’s one of the most iconic levels. The Mage Tower level was extremely prevalent before and a number of users enjoyed playing it solo. Now with its return, these same users are more than excited to ace through the level again.

However, those who are relatively new to the game and are just finding out about the challenge might be extremely confused and overwhelmed right now. Many of these players have tried the challenge and failed dramatically.

Source: pcpress.rs

If you really want to complete the challenge quickly, you can avail boosting services for the best WoW powerleveling and then complete the challenge after you are adequately levelled. Either way, in this guide we will offer several tips to new players for playing the Mage Tower challenge to help any new player out who is confused with the challenge.
Understand how the challenge works.

If you want to play the Mage Tower Challenge on WoW, the only way of doing so is through a system called Legion Timewalking that allows you to play dungeons and raids from the Shadowlands expansion as well. When the challenge is first released, it will be available for a period of two weeks after which it will get a one week gap cycle. It is worth noting that the Mage Tower is a solo challenge unlike regular dungeons and raids where you need a team.

Source: polygon.com

The rewards for completing the Mage Tower Challenge is levelled armour designed for your class in the style of the Legion. The only way to obtain these rewards and complete the challenge is by surviving the Mage Tower’s various bosses and opponents for a set period of time. Also, Blizzard has removed the artifact requirement for the level which means more players can access the level now.

Don’t miss out on the challenge if you are a guardian druid

Source: nme.com

The main attraction of the Mage Tower challenge, and the reason why every guardian druid in the server shouldn’t miss out on it, is the Werebear skin that you can get as a reward for completing the level. This is an extremely cool skin and the best thing is that it is exclusive to this Mage Tower only.

Unlike it’s older and whiter counterparts, this skin features an amazing black and neon design that is worth grinding for by every guardian druid.
Try completing all the seven challenges on different characters on your account.
Now even if the werebear skin is only exclusive to guardian druids and other classes can only get the Legion armor and some item transmogs, don’t get disheartened just yet. If you manage to complete all seven challenges of the Mage Tower level with different characters, you will be rewarded with the Soaring Spelltome mount.

This reward alone is worth the grind considering how cool the mount is – even if it requires grinding through the Mage Tower for hours on end.


Source: bbc.com

There are several ways that can help you play WoW’s Mage Tower Challenge for the first time and we hope this article provides you just that. If it did, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.

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My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I am employed as a content creator and editor at Santel, a company specializing in digital marketing, where I have been working for 3 years. In addition to this, I also work as a full-time musician and sound tech which brought me a lot of experience with technology, and I think it contributes to my editing skills on this site, I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful. I live and work in Indjija, a small town in Serbia, in the heart of the region called Srem. Thanks to my job, I enjoy visiting a new city and meeting new people every weekend.