Home News Is Rick Scott A Businessman Or A Politician

Is Rick Scott A Businessman Or A Politician

Source: nytimes.com

When you mention the name Rick Scott to Americans in Florida – they will immediately connect it to the Senator who has been in that position since 2019. However, along with his name, often comes the label of a good businessman. This title was also established through the education of today’s Senator – but also because of the fact that the state of Florida, during his participation in politics, repaid a good part of the state debt. So is Rick Scott a politician or a businessman then? We would say that one does not go without the other.

Who Is Actually Rick Scott?

Source: wptv.com

Republican Senator Rick Scott is well known to Americans for his unwavering views. This includes attitudes on issues such as the Epstein affair, which has largely upset the public. Still, Rick Scott is famous not only as a senator but also as the 45th governor of the state of Florida. What many Americans will admit, even if they do not support the Republican option – is that Rick Scott is first and foremost a good financial expert who managed to relieve the state of Florida of a significant portion of state debt during his mandate. This fact may not surprise some better connoisseurs of the character and work of Senator Scott who know that today’s senator is also a very good businessman.

Rick Scott: Businessman Or Politician?

Rick Scott first established himself as one of the successful businessmen whose capital in 2010 was estimated at over 200 million dollars. He never hid his ambitions to be in politics. He adhered to traditional republican values, regardless of the criticism coming from the side at the time. Later, with the arrival of Donald Trump as US President, there was a lot of controversy about polarization in society – and the division into Democrats and Republicans. The clash of traditional and democratic views also served as an inspiration to Scott Coope Miami Beach filmmaker for the 2018 movie Hostiles – which, however, follows this theme from a completely different, historical angle. Even after Trump’s departure, Rick Scott continues to lead a successful senatorial career whose term is still in effect. However, the path to his senatorial position was not easy.

Rick Scott’s Life Before Entering Politics

Source: miamiherald.com

Speaking about the life of Senator Rick Scott, it is interesting that he spent his childhood growing up in the Midwest in the state of Illinois – in a family that sometimes had financial difficulties. After graduating from high school, he married his high-school sweetheart and joined the Navy where he served as a radar officer. He graduated from the University of Kansas City using the GI Bill – and later earned a law degree, and took a job in his profession. It was still the time when Rick Scott had no idea where his education, knowledge, and ambition would take him. The journey was not easy, but he successfully reached the finish line with the wholehearted help of his family.

From Donut Shop To The Senator’s Position

Source: wfla.com

The entrepreneurial spirit has always adorned today’s senator, and he started his first business by opening a donut shop. Sweet job, you’ll admit – but Rick Scott’s ambitions took him far beyond that. Working as a partner in a Dallas legal company, he started a corporation with partners called the Columbia Hospital Corp. This company merged with the Hospital Corporation of America in the late ’80s – and became one of the largest and most reputable private healthcare companies in the USA.

Senatorial Position

Source: theguardian.com

In 2010, Rick Scott revealed his ambitions to run for governor of Florida. He first fought for the position of Republican candidate by defeating his party colleague Bill McCollum, and later in the election in a very uncertain race for the governor’s seat – he defeated the Democratic candidate Alex Sink. The rest is part of modern history. Rick Scott is known for his efforts to create new jobs, cut certain state taxes, repaying over 10 bill dollars of state debt – but also for criticizing the Epstein affair, and even Trump himself after the so-called Trump Hollywood tape was published – because of some of Trump’s sexist statements.

The Bottom Line

Businessman or a politician? Whatever we may think, Senator Rick Scott’s career continues. Many believe that he is still leading it very successfully, just like he did it with his business – and whether that is the case remains to be seen during the next elections for the Senate.